Together with our experts on mental health, Dr. Peter Becker (Steinbach & Partner) and Kussai El-Chichakli (Coca-Cola), we first looked at the context and business case. In times of a global medical crisis (COVID-19), rising concerns about our climate, the need to digitize, and increasing economic uncertainty, mental health has taken a dramatic turn among the working population. It is the second most common diagnostic group in sick leave, with an average of about 40 days of absence, annual sick leave costs of more than €40 billion, and lost production costs of nearly €15 billion. Management and business models need to be thoroughly rethought; “business as usual!” is not an option. Peter makes it clear that the most effective way forward is through greater consciousness and strategic self-awareness on the individual level.
Hogan assessments provide the data basis for such efforts. From each Hogan profile, statements can be derived about how a person’s energy balance is. We usually look at these meta-patterns:
- Typical resilience pattern: high Adjustment (HPI), low Excitable (HDS), low Recognition (MVPI).
- Typical vulnerability pattern: low Adjustment, high Excitabel, high Recognition
- Lack of purpose / violation of values: misfit of a candidate’s value profile (MVPI) with organizational direction
- Loss of energy due to effort for behavioral adjustment: Misfit Potential Profile (HPI) with requirements of the role
- Conflicts between individual dimensions: for example, low Adjustment and low Prudence
In the subsequent section, Kussai took a closer look at stress and stress perception and presented, among other things, the Window of Tolerance model developed by Dr. Dan Siegel. It describes the best state of “arousal” or stimulation in which we can function and thrive in everyday life. When we are within this window, we are able to learn, work, and relate effectively to ourselves and others. However, when we move outside of this window, we can become hyper- or hypo-aroused:
- Hyperarousal is characterized by excessive activation or energy often in the form of anxiety, panic, fear, hypervigilance, emotional flooding, etc. This keeps our system on edge and impairs our ability to relax, often making it difficult to sleep, eat, digest, and manage our emotions optimally. At the most intense level, this can lead to dissociative anger and hostility.
- Hypoarousal can occur when we have too much hyperarousal that exceeds the pain or emotional coping that our brain/body can tolerate, causing us to fall into a state of hypoarousal (shutting down or dissociating). In this state, our system can enter a state of shutdown characterized by exhaustion, depression, flat affect, numbness, disconnection, dissociation, etc.
We can experience hyperarousal and hypoarousal in response to a variety of triggers. For some, it may be rejection or abandonment. For others, it may be a distressing thought or feeling, or perhaps a sensory memory or visual flashback to the original distressing event.
The coronavirus pandemic has affected everyone. Feelings of fear and uncertainty are normal, healthy reactions to an abnormal and unique situation. Research suggests that there are five threads to consider when outlining the potential impact of a Covid 19 lockdown on an individual: structure, routine, friendships, opportunity, and freedom (Carpenter and Carpenter, 2020).
We would be happy to show you how to implement these five themes based on your Hogan profile. At RELEVANT, we have used Hogan Assessments every day for years in the selection and development of people. Hogan is the world’s leading provider of research-based assessment solutions. RELEVANT helps organizations use their personality diagnostics to reduce turnover and increase productivity by hiring the right people, developing key talent, and identifying leadership potential. Talk to us. We’re just an email or phone call away.
HOGAN makes personality RELEVANT.