Zukunft Personal Europe 2024
Zukunft Personal Europe 2024

Zukunft Personal Europe 2024
With Personality into the Future

From September 10th to 12th this year, we will be present at the leading HR exhibition, Zukunft Personal Europe, in Cologne.

We look forward to seeing you at booth H56 in hall 4.2.

If you would like to schedule an appointment, click "Appointments".

If you would like to view downloads, click "Downloads".


Let's meet in Cologne!

Exciting lecture topics, pop-up presentations, and an intensive exchange about Hogan Assessments await you.

We are also offering our customers free tickets to the exhibition. If you are interested, simply reach out to us via the contact form!

Click here to book an appointment with us on-site now:

Appointment Scheduling

Our Lecture

This time, we await you with a fascinating lecture on the topic "All That Glitters Is Not Gold", which we will present on the Future of Work Stage on September 11th at 3:00 PM.

For more information, please klick here:

Our Lecture

Where to find us?

We welcome you

in hall 4.2

at booth H.56 (diagonally opposite the Keynote Stage).

The Future of Work Stage, where our lecture will take place, is conveniently located nearby.

September 11th, 2024, at 3:00 PM.

Feel free to drop by.

Schedule an appointment now!

Are you interested in Hogan and more?

Or are you already certified and looking to further develop your skills?

Let's talk!

Our exhibition guests can schedule individual appointments with our consultants on-site. To secure a time slot, you can scan the QR code or click on this link:
